Eating Apples

Apples in the "rough!"
Apples in the “rough!”

With all the apples on our five trees this year, I’ve had a chance to make several recipes that I haven’t made in a long time.

A bowl of apples, ready for the knife
A bowl of apples, ready for the knife
My handy helper, slicing the peeled apples
My handy helper, slicing the peeled apples

Waldorf salad has tasted delicious, made as a side dish with a few meals.  But it’ the breakfast muffs and desserts that are most popular.

Into the oven
Into the oven
Fresh from the oven

Fresh from the oven

Would you like a piece?

Would you like a piece?

Other temptations…

Apple muffins
Apple muffins
Apple Crisp, enough (barely) for 12!
Apple Crisp, enough (barely) for 12!
And, some for the freezer, to use another time
And, some for the freezer, to use during the winter

WE had a fun time with some of our kids and grandchildren and the apples; I will share that another time.

Still life or portrait?
Still life or portrait?

6 responses to “Eating Apples

  1. Yummy….I’m ready to sample!

  2. Thanks! I’ll start packing! :+)

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